English language
medical services
Mon Tue Fri Sat 9:00~17:00
Wed 9:00~19:00
Closed Thu Sun Public holidays
※ Thursdays may be medical treatment days.
※ Appointments can only be made through LINE reservations.

Visiting Dentistry

for individuals who find it difficult to visit the clinic due to illness, injury, or other issues. We offer mobile dental services to accommodate these patients.
The treatments offered include almost the same services as those available at a dental clinic, such as treatment for cavities and periodontal disease, dental cleaning, and adjustments to dentures (prosthetics), all provided at the patient's home or care facility. Especially in recent years, there has been an increase in patients with aspiration pneumonia due to bacteria entering the mouth.
Continue with oral care to maintain a healthy state of the mouth.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding your oral health.